Koyuki and Neko-sanctuary
She was one of the cats living in the bike park. She weared black and white fur, and very pretty cat. loving running and climbing trees, lively and cheerful.
When I met her first, she was already matured, not kitten. She had a mother named Yuki, with same as black and white fur as she.
There were a lot of cats in the bike park, so I call it Neko-sanctuary. Jiro, Shiro, and Umetaro were oldest cats, Utamaro, Clord, Daikokumaru, and Socks were young male cats, Anna and Kuroyuki were young female cats. Other cats were Granpa, Koganemaru, and sometimes no named cats stopped by.
In 2006, some spiteful human behings started to persecute cats, interfered our feeding cats, making their houses made of stylofoam boxes for cold winter.
Then many cats died that winter, and spring. they were Umetaro, Jiro, shiro, Utamaro, Granpa and Koganemaru. Next year Kuroyuki and her young friend Sasuke died. Anna suddenly disapeared.
In 2009 spring, Koyuki's mother, Yuki came to see me twice, and I never have seen her. In summer, her boyfriend Clord disapeared.
At the end of 2009, my friend found her very sick, and brought her to the vet. Since then she was sometimes hospitalized, and died.
There are only two cats, Socks and Daikokumaru, in the Neko-sanktuary.
I miss you, Koyuki! I wish you would play with wind and run up the trees though I could never see you.