Neko Sanctuary

About cats, and persons who love cats.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Neko-Sanctuary Chronicle 2015 February 4:We've been waiting

In front of the Neko-Sanctuary of bicycle storage,  I noticed every cat is waiting for me. There were all there. Kai, Daikoku-Maru, Miiko, Henrietta, and Shiro.

Also, it was the end of the day in February today. Become warm little by little, bloomed also plum flowers. The  winter is over at last. Good for you.

Who are you waiting for? Waiting for spring?

2015 February 28 updated

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Neko-Sanctuary Chronicle 2015 February 3: First food and milk

It isn’t windy, sunny day, today.

Shiro also came out, and  ate food with everyone.

Shiro loves milk. All the way to last year, he had a cup of milk first, then ate dried food secretly after the other cats gone.
Recently he differs. At first eats dry food and then begins to drink the milk.
Today he ate dried food alongside Daikoku-Maru.

Photos of Daikoku-Maru and Shiro

2015 February 21 updated

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Neko-Sanctuary Chronicle 2015 February 2:We have had a cold

Chilly air has been staying high over the Japan in February.
So it made snowing, or cold rain falling, and blowing wind like freezing.
It's harsh climatic conditions in cats to live outside.

Daikoku-Maru, Kai, and Shiro have got cold.
Kai was the most terrible.
There was also a day that he couldn’t come out at feeding time.
I was worried about him, but the February 11, he showed up, and ate the food.
Daikoku-Maru, in addition to the bad eyes with scratches of fight, has snot.
I've done by wiping with Tissue paper.
Shiro’s gum is terrible.
But  both cats do not trust me enough to let me wipe it.

I hope it will be warm as fast as possible.

The photo is Kai, who came out finally

2015 February 14 updated

Saturday, February 07, 2015

The Neko-Sanctuary Chronicle 2015 February 1:After the snowing day

Friday a week ago, it had been snowing from the morning, and then changed to rain, it was a very cold day. I was very worried how every cat at the Neko-Sanctuary was.
In the next day the Saturday cold wind was brewing but sunny. There was a plenty of sunlight.

When I went to feeding them, Kai, Daikoku-Maru, Miiko and Henrietta, all of the cats were sleeping in the implantation of the subway official residence.
They seemed so comfortably likely, I put the food for them in the secret place, and went softly.

The photo is ass of Miiko,Shiro , and Henrietta

2015 February 7 updated