Neko Sanctuary

About cats, and persons who love cats.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Neko-Sanctuary Chronicle 2015 September 4: Feeding cats at night

I cannot feeding cats at bike parking lot in the evening or until the night.
There are several people, users of the bike parking lot, complained to the public company maintaining it.  A week ago last Saturday I encountered one of them, and had a quarrel.

According M-san, there are a few people, they are also users there, feeding cats. The maintenance company  to take place under a ban feeding the cats there to be afraid of complaints from their users, started to put notices banning feeding cats there.

Crazy guys are there everywhere, and their voice is loud enough to control public company.

Since I am feeding the cats outside the bike parking lot at night now, I cannot spend time with them, watch them.

For now, the back gate of the primary school where Tommy lives is yet safe, but it is tough to feed twice a day different time at different places. So I feed Tommy and other cats at the same time as the bike parking lot.

To take a photo at night is difficult to me. And I think that without a photo my cat blog might be not interesting.  So, I decided to take a break to revise my cat blog.

Very sorry, and thank you for reading my blog. Good bye until I will be back.

The feeding at night is tough.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Neko-Sanctuary Chronicle 2015 September 3: The crisis of the Neko-Sanctuary of the bike parking lot

It is difficult to feed the cats at the bike parking lot. I am too upset to write about it.
Please wait until next week.

The photo is Tommy’s profile.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Neko-Sanctuary Chronicle 2015 September 2 Amaryllis in the Neko-Sanctuary

In a narrow space behind bush of the bicycle parking lot, a few amaryllis bloom blooms every year. After a long rain also that lasted nearly two weeks, amaryllis bloomed there this year.

When looking at the amaryllis, I remember the cluster of amaryllis which bloomed on the footpath along the rice fields after the harvest. Evening breeze was chilly in the countryside of autumn, also  my ambition of childhood that could not be said ambition.

Miiko ate cat food in the next to the amaryllis.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

The Neko-Sanctuary Chronicle 2015 September 1: Keep water fresh always

The last weekend of August, it was raining softly, and cool.
Sunday, I thought that I didn’t need to bring water as there was lots of water in the ground. Usually, I would have two large plastic bottles of water.

However, the water bowl that was in the  bicycle storage was of transparent plastic, seemed growing sphagnum inside, and cloudy.
I would change the water, but there was no water for the replacement.

Daikoku-Maru, after finishing the meal and attempting to drink the water as usual, was hesitant. He was hesitant, but started drinking water.
He didn’t  seem to enjoy drinking water.

I  was severely regret that I thought I would not need water because it rained.

The photo is Daikoku-Maru drinking water.